JanereFix MotoGPl


JanereFix Mobile Road Shop


We have launched a mobile shop to bring our products and solutions closer to our customers. Every year we visit the biggest fairs and customer days in Estonia.
Avinurme Fair (St John’s Eve, 23 June 2012) was the first fair we ever attended. Although the weather was not ideal, we received a warm welcome from our customers. This confirmed once again that we were right to believe such a service was necessary.

What is JANERE FIX Mobile Road Shop?

It’s a bus that has been specially redesigned as a mobile shop for fastening devices. Here you can purchase goods and get information about the properties of different products.
Goods are packaged based on the demands of our customers – commodity products are prepackaged in boxes (packages) and special products (acid-proof, stainless) can be bought unpackaged.
In addition to classic metal fastening devices, we also sell dowels (complex fastening solutions) by MUNGO, a high-quality Swiss company, which should satisfy even the most demanding customers.
Our mobile shop accepts cash and card payments.
Check our website and Facebook page for the Mobile Shop’s schedules and opening times.

Have a wonderful summer!
Janere mobile sales department

P.S. See you in your ‘back yard’!